Thursday, February 7, 2013

An introduction of sorts...

I'm not really sure how to do this whole "introduce myself to the internet" thing, so I guess I'll just launch right into it. Hello, internet. My (pen)name is Melody Sparks, I'm almost 24 years old, and I'm in a secret relationship with my stepfather.

That sounded more like an introduction to a group therapy session, but I guess it's a start.

As far as everyone in my real life is concerned, I'm an independent single woman who isn't particularly interested in dating. Whenever I go out with my friends, they're always trying to hook me up, and my mom likes to hound me about "settling down." Awkward. She and my dad aren't together anymore, but still...awkward nonetheless.

I suppose since we're not blood related, and he's no longer married to my mom, we could theoretically come out about our relationship, and maybe it would be accepted by general society. Maybe. But even if the father/daughter thing doesn't freak people out, there's also the 22 year age gap and the fact he used to be with my mother, even if he's not anymore. There's also the fact our relationship started while they were still married, and has been going on in secret for almost six years. Needless to say, neither of us are particularly eager to come out. All the same, I get overwhelmed sometimes by the pressure of keeping what is one of the best parts of my life hidden. I'm dying to tell people. I need to share. I need to find others like me and let someone know how awesome it is.

That's where you come in, internet strangers.

I've never really been much of a writer. I was pretty good at creative writing in high school, but beyond that, it's not really something I've ever aspired to. Still, quite a few months ago, I got struck with the idea of writing a memoir. An anonymous memoir, of course, published under a fake name. That way, I could get my story out in a place where countless people could read it, but still keep everything a secret in my real life. It took me awhile to approach my dad about the idea. I wouldn't do something like that without his permission, considering it'd be a depiction of our most intimate moments. I wasn't really sure what he would think of the idea. I was worried he'd reject it instantly, or be upset or offended somehow by the suggestion.

Fortunately, he loved the idea as much as I did. He, too, wants to share our story, and he said he liked the idea of reading about everything that happened from my perspective. Not to mention, since the story is highly sexual in nature, it would be fun for both of us to relive some of our best moments...

So I'm going to tell the story of me and my dad, and anyone who wants to is welcome to come along for the ride. I considered trying to go through a publisher, but the idea made me way too nervous. I don't want anything about this to be associated with my real identity. Besides, I probably wouldn't find anyone willing to take me, anyway. So I'm going to self-publish.

Part 1 will be posted soon, and I'll update here when it does. I've had a lot of fun writing so far. Maybe nobody will read my story, but maybe they will. If this little venture goes well, I might try my hand at writing erotic fiction. I'm a highly sexual person (another thing most people wouldn't guess about me...), and probably due to the nature of my own relationship, I have a lot of..."interests." Taboo relationships of any sort (particularly incest, with a focus on father/daughter incest, natch) are my kink of choice, but I'm also interested in many aspects of BDSM, exhibitionism, ageplay, and all kinds of other stuff. Me and my dad have a lot of fun.

And yes...the idea of people reading and getting off to my story is a huge turn on. Hehe...

So there you have it. I am red in the face after just writing this post and need to go take a cold shower, but that about sums it up. I will post an update when I release the first part of my story on the unsuspecting internet soon. Stay tuned.


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